
Portable Offices

We serve our clients with a wide range of Portable Offices for our highly esteemed clients. They include site container, porta cabin, container rental and so on. These offices are equipped with facilities such as plug point, ducts for installing AC, tube light & bulb holders etc. They find application in different industries as an office space in on site job locations such as rural place, flood prone zones and hilly areas. Portable Offices help in accommodating employees and to undertake several administrative works conveniently. They can withstand extreme weather conditions, have high tensile strength and resistant to abrasion and corrosion.

Key Points:

  • They are equipped with plug points, light points, provision for installing air conditions, fans and other basic necessities.
  • They have high tolerance to oxidization.
  • These offices have dust and humidity repelling surface.
  • We strive to deliver these on time.

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